
Rules And Regulations
The Project- A Dance Experience Rules,
Regulations and, Awards!
Age Divisions:
The Project – A Dance Experience Rules and
All age divisions for 2 or more people are determined by the average age of all dancers. Drop the
decimal. For example, if the average age is 12.7 you would enter the 10- 12 age category.
Duos/Trios will compete against each other and will be referred to as Duo/Trio events.
Groups/Lines will not compete against each other.
Participants may only compete one age division lower than their own age regardless of average.
(This does not apply to Production entries)
Age category is determined by your age at the start of the competition.
​ Mini 3-6 Little 7-9, Junior 10-12, Teen 13-15, Senior 16-18, Adult 19+
Participants in the Solo or Duo/Trio Categories may only enter one routine per category in each
age division. (Example – Chloe cannot have 2 Solo Contemporary entries)
We offer Recreational and Competitive levels of competition.​
Recreational Level dancers should be dancers who are beginner dancers or have less than 3 hours
of instruction a week or have no experience in a competitive environment. Any dancers who our
judges deem to be a competitive level dancer will be moved to the competitive category. This is
at the judge’s discretion and must be a unanimous decision determined immediately following
the dancer’s routine.
ï‚· Tap
ï‚· Jazz
ï‚· Ballet
ï‚· Pointe
ï‚· Lyrical
ï‚· Contemporary
ï‚· Modern
ï‚· Open
ï‚· Hip Hop
ï‚· Acro
ï‚· Ethnic
ï‚· Clogging
ï‚· Pantomime
ï‚· Musical Theater
ï‚· Photogenic
Time Limits:
Solos, Duos/Trios: 3 minutes
Groups (4-9 Dancers)/Lines (10 or more Dancers): 4 minutes
Production (15 or more Dancers): 8 Minutes
Extra Time is available for an extra cost.
Judging Criteria:
We Employ 3 adjudicators. All entries will be judged on a point system by 3 qualified judges.
Judging is based on Technique (40%), Performance (30%), Choreography/Execution (20%) and
Overall Appeal (10%). If a tie in scoring occurs, the tie will be broken based on technical scores
followed by performance, Choreography/Execution and then Overall Appeal. If a tie still exists,
the judges will make the final decision. All Judges decisions are final and will not be negotiated!
Scoring is out of a possible 300 points.
Recreational Scoring:
292-300 Diamond
284-291.99 High Platinum
276-283.99 Platinum
​250-275.99 High Gold
Competitive Scoring:
294-300 Diamond
286-293.99 High Platinum
278-285.99 Platinum
250-277.99 High Gold
All participants will receive a participation certificate.
Every entry will be awarded a High Gold to Diamond lanyard award based on our scoring
When a category has less than 3 entries, 1st, 2nd and, 3rd place awards will be based off of the
routines High Gold to Diamond placement. You must score in the High Platinum to Diamond
Range for 1st place, Platinum for 2nd place and, High Gold for 3rd place.
Photogenic – This category will be split into 2 divisions – 12 and under and 13 and over. TPDE
will determine how many awards will be given based on the number of entries.
Special awards can be given for both recreational and competitive dance levels. These awards
can be for Solos, Duos/Trios, Groups, Lines, or Productions.
Solos – Top score awards will be given in both the recreational and competitive levels of dance.
Top score awards will be given in each age division. TPDE will determine how many top scores
there will be based on the number of entries in the age division. Title Winners will only be given
in the competitive level of competition. Top scoring Competitive dancers in each age division
will be crowned our Title Winners! Each competitive Solo Title Winner will receive a $100.00
scholarship to the following years regionals, Crown and Trophy.
Tiny Miss or Mr. ages 3-6
Little Miss or Mr. ages 7-9
Junior Miss or Mr. ages 10-12
Teen Miss or Mr. ages 13-15
Senior Miss or Mr. ages 16-18
​Adult Miss or Mr. ages 19+
Duos/Trios - Top score awards will be given in both recreational and competitive levels of
dance. Top scores will be given by splitting Duo/Trio entries into 2 groups – 12 and under and
13 and over. TPDE will determine how many top scores there will be based on the number of
entries in the age division.
Title winners will only be given in our competitive level of
competition. Each competitive Duo/Trio title winner will also receive a trophy and a $100.00
scholarship to the following year’s regionals.
Groups- Top score awards will be given in both recreational and competitive levels of
competition. Top scores will be given in each age division. TPDE will determine how many top
scores there will be based on the number of entries in the age division.
Lines- Top score awards will be given in both recreational and competitive levels of competition.
Top scores will be given in each age division. TPDE will determine how many top scores there
will be based on the number of entries in the age division.
​Group/Line Title Winner - Only competitive group/line routines will qualify for a title. The
Group/Line Categories will be split into 2 divisions to determine the Title winners and will
compete against each other. There will be 1 Group/Line Title winner for 12 and under and 1
Group/Line Title winner for 13 and over. These winners will receive a $150.00 scholarship to the
following year PDE regionals.
​Production entries will be Split into 2 divisions Junior 12 and under and Senior 13 and over.
TPDE will determine how many top scores will be given.
Studio awards will be given for Most Entertaining, Best Technique, Future of Competition and
Outstanding Choreography. There will also be an award for the studio with the Highest point
average and an award for the highest scoring routine of the competition.
The Project- A Dance Experience Encore Event:
This is the Highlight of our Competition! Up to 10 recreational or competitive routines will be
chosen on the spot to compete for our most prestigious award - Encore Event Winner! This can
include solos, duos, trios, groups, lines, or production routines. Those chosen would be given the
chance to compete for a second time against one another to see which routine will take home the
grand prize of a trophy, banner, and a cash prize of $250.00! This is an optional event.
NO CD’s or Cassettes will be considered for use. All music must be uploaded to your Dance
Comp Genie account at least 2 weeks prior to the event. All music must be cut to the appropriate
length and must be free of anything inappropriate. It’s always a good idea to have a backup USB
with your music in case we are experiencing difficulties. There will be a 5-point deduction for
any songs over the given time limit.
The use of props will be allowed. All props must be able to be put up and broken down in under
2 minutes to keep the competition moving. Any debris from props must be cleaned up
immediately after use.
The use of Acrobatic matts is strongly suggested in the Acro category.
General Information:
All entries must be completed via online registration before the entry deadline. Registration is
accepted on a first come first served basis.
Payment by check can be mailed to 420 Lakemont Dr. Columbia, SC. 29229 by the deadline or
can be paid online through your Dance Comp Genie account with a 3% service fee.
A $10.00 late fee will apply for any entries after the deadline.
A $30.00 fee will apply for any returned checks.
Any unpaid entries will not be permitted to perform.
All parents must sign a waiver for each participating child.
All teachers, parents, and participants give The Project- A Dance Experience has the right to use
their photos or videos with any advertising or media campaign. By performing at The Project - A
Dance Experience, all competitors consent to the use of photographs and/or video footage for
promotional purposes, which may include social media and streaming routines online.
Photogenic Photos must be submitted in 8x10 format the 1st day of the event before the start of
competition. Photos can be in Black and white or color.
Good Sportsmanship is expected from all participants, friends and family members. Failure of
this could result in disqualification from any High Score, Title, or Special Awards.
Photography and video taping of our events will be strictly prohibited. We will have professional
photographers and videographers on site.
Rules and Regulations are subject to change and can always be found on our website.